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Jobs in Tanzania: New Job Opportunities at UNDP Tanzania, 2019
Agency UNCDF
Title: National Coordinator
Job ID 27035
Practice Area - Job Family Democratic Governance
Vacancy End Date (Midnight New York, USA) 22/11/2019
Duty Station Dodoma, Tanzania, United Republic of
Education & Work Experience I-Master's Level Degree - 10 year(s) experience
Languages Required: English
Desired: Kiswahili, Swahili
Grade SB5
Vacancy Type Service Contract (SC)
Posting Type External
Bureau Africa
Contract Duration One Year
This job vacancy is for Tanzania Nationalities only
makes public and private finance work for the poor in the world’s 47
least developed countries. With its capital mandate and instruments,
UNCDF offers “last mile” finance models that unlock public and private
resources, especially at the domestic level, to reduce poverty and
support local economic development. UNCDF’s financing models work
through two channels: financial inclusion that expands the opportunities
for individuals, households, and small businesses to participate in the
local economy, providing them with the tools they need to climb out of
poverty and manage their financial lives; and by showing how localized
investments — through fiscal decentralization, innovative municipal
finance, and structured project finance — can drive public and private
funding that underpins local economic expansion and sustainable
development. By strengthening how finance works for poor people at the
household, small enterprise, and local infrastructure levels, UNCDF
contributes to SDG 1 on eradicating poverty and SDG 17 on the means of
implementation. By identifying those market segments where innovative
financing models can have transformational impact in helping to reach
the last mile and address exclusion and inequalities of access, UNCDF
contributes to a number of different SDGs.
Local Climate Adaptive Living (LoCAL) Facility was designed to promote
climate change–resilient communities and local economies by establishing
a standard, internationally recognized country-based mechanism to
channel climate finance to local government authorities in least
developed countries. It thus aims to contribute through the local level
to country achievement of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable
Development Goals – particularly poverty eradication (SDG 1),
sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and climate action (SDG 13).
LoCAL increases local-level climate change awareness and capacities,
integrates climate change adaptation into local government planning and
budgeting in a participatory and gender-responsive manner, and increases
the financing available to local governments for climate change
adaptation. LoCAL combines performance-based climate resilience grants
(PBCRGs) – which ensure programming and verification of climate change
expenditures at the local level while offering strong incentives for
performance improvements in enhanced resilience – with technical and
capacity-building support. It uses a demonstration effect to trigger
further flows for local adaptation, including national fiscal transfers
and global climate finance for local authorities, through their central
its global scale up in 2014, LoCAL has engaged 107 local governments in
14 countries representing over 6 million people. Between 2014 and 2018,
it delivered close to USD 17 million, with grants and technical
assistance to countries totaling USD 11.9 million. During the same
period, 637 climate change adaptation interventions were financed across
11 countries using LoCAL grants, mostly infrastructure investments
(i.e. 64 per cent of total).
In February 2019, UNCDF, together with the President’s Office- Regional Administration and Local Gobernment (PO-RALG) and the International Institute for Enviroment and Development (IIED), launched the Local Climate Finance Initiative (LCFI) in Tanzania with aims of establishing a robust and effective mechanism to enable local government authorities in the country both to access climate finance on a regular and sustained basis and to use it effectively in building climate-resilient local economies and communities.
LoCAL, a LCFI’s component, with support from the European Union, will be introduced in Tanzania as of 2019 and will pilot the grant delivery mechanism (i.e. PBCRG system) at 3 districts in Dodoma Region, i.e. Chamwino, Mpwapwa and Kondoa, potentially benefiting more than 800,000 people, particularly women. Following the pilot phase, LoCAL is expected to be scaled-up to other districts from 2020 onwards. Eligible investments may range from climate smart agriculture activities, sustainable livestock production, improved irrigation and water systems, flood control systems, to climate-proof infrastructure, sustainable land management, forestry, disaster risk reduction, climate information technologies, health, education, energy, and so forth.
UNCDF is seeking to hire a National Coordinator, LoCAL Tanzania to contribute to the effective delivery of LoCAL Tanzania and its knowledge management and reporting activities.
This position will be based in Dodoma, Tanzania and will report directly to the LoCAL Programme Manager (Africa), based in Brussels Belgium and is expected to work closely with LoCAL programme colleagues in country and region.
Duties and Responsibilities
Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of the LoCAL Programme Manager or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the LoCAL National Coordinator will be responsible for:
Project coordination/management (40%)
- Contribute to the day-to-day coordination and the effective, efficient and transparent implementation of the LoCAL country programme in Tanzania in line with UNCDF project management regulations and in close collaboration with the LoCAL Programme Manager (Africa) and the LoCAL Secretariat (global);
- Lead project delivery and achievement of objectives by working with and supporting implementing partners’ project related activities;
- Coordinate, participate in the elaboration, and ensure the timely submission of annual work plans and budgets, quarterly and annual financial and progress reports, while maximizing alignment and integration with national systems;
- Support the effective and transparent transfer of funds from UNCDF to the local governments through the agreed financial circuit; the effective and transparent use of funds; and effective and transparent annual performance assessments in the context of LoCAL;
- Contribute to the management of the risk log of the project;
- Contribute to the provision of technical assistance for LoCAL Tanzania (e.g. writing terms of reference, recruitment and management of national consultants);
- Strengthen the quality of the monitoring and evaluation and reporting of LoCAL Tanzania (e.g. preparation and monitoring of the annual work plan, organization and participation in M&E field missions, proposing corrective measures, contribution to the preparation of annual reports);
- Monitor and make recommendations to revise or improve as appropriate the key elements of the LoCAL approach (e.g. minimum conditions, performance measures, triggers for fund transfers, investment menu, roles of partners and stakeholders, financial circuit used for the LoCAL grant transfer);
- Ensure appropriate recording and accounting documentation as required by UNCDF and preparation of required financial reports. Make the financial operations of the project transparent and able to stand up to regular audits and evaluation;
- Any other related tasks as may be required or assigned by the supervisor.
CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview
Questions and It's Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here! Provision of technical assistance and capacity building support (30%)
- Ensure adequate provision of technical, policy and regulatory assistance and advice to national and subnational governments in the field of public financial management, good governance, decentralization, adaptation planning/programming, climate finance, climate change issues and environmental sustainability, climate change mainstreaming into planning, budgeting, investment plans, implementation, and monitoring of adaptation measures (performance assessments);
- Support the President’s Office- Regional Administration and Local Gobernment (PO-RALG) in the organization and regular functionning of the LoCAL-Tanzania technical and steering committees;
- Support the strengthening of capacities, institutions and systems with a focus on local level adaptation mainstreaming and the strengthening of public financial management systems for climate change (e.g. by facilitating and undertaling capacity needs assessments; the development of capacity building programmes; the organization of training workshops; and on-the-job learning);
- Promote LoCAL as standard practice to channel climate finance and implement climate change response at the subnational level (e.g. through revisions to local development planning and budgeting manuals and guidelines; performance assessment manuals for PBCRGs to inform/be integrated in the national inter-governmental fiscal transfer systems/performance-based grants system as applicable; creation of budget codes; integration of climate change in tendering, procurement and delivery processes, monitoring and reporting practices);
- Support local communities in target LoCAL areas in ensuring a participatory and gender-responsive approach throughout the LoCAL planning, budgeting, implementation and monitoring processes.
Advocacy, partnership and resource mobilization (15%)
- Represent LoCAL in the country;
- Serve as the UNCDF focal point in working groups and steering committees on the issue of environment and climate change and related sectors and provide inputs for conducive policy and regulatory environment;
- Collect intelligence on technical and financial partners, identify opportunities for collaboration with key actors and support the development of partnerships for LoCAL Tanzania;
- Support development of proposals related to LoCAL and support identification of potential climate finance sources;
- Contribute to collaborative working relationships with other local stakeholders such as NGOs and CSOs at the local level by building linkages and networks to enhance climate resilience;
- Ensure the regular integration of LoCAL related considerations into Government’s agendas (e.g. development goals, SDGs, NAP process and NDCs), including internal meetings and workshops organized by the Government;
- Support negotiations on co-operation with UN, Government, technical partners, bilateral donors and other financing institutions in order to identify and mobilize resources for LoCAL;
- Support co-operation with UN, Government, bilateral development agencies, and other technical partners to identify and develop synergies with relevant in-country projects and technical partnerships for LoCAL with a focus on policy and capacity development for climate change mainstreaming.
Knowledge management and communication (15%)
- Identify key knowledge constraints and organize learning, knowledge exchange, training, workshops, etc. to build the awareness and capacities on relevant themes (i.e. climate change, local climate risk assessments, environmental sustainability, mainstreaming, etc.);
- Identify, collect and disseminate best practices and lesson learned from the Project;
- Contribute to the knowledge and communication efforts of LoCAL Tanzania based on lessons learned and results achieved (ex. stories from the field, photos/videos, webpage and social media presence, as appropriate);
- Ensure the project is well documented through photos, videos, and field stories;
- Ensure the timely publication and dissemination of reports and other project outputs at national and local level and with the LoCAL global project team;
- Ensure that experiences, lessons learned and good practices are disseminated at local/national level using a range of means of communication, including press, radio, TV, multimedia and social medias appropriate;
- Coordinate closely with LoCAL colleagues involved in knowledge management and communication to ensure a common message across countries and regions.
- Innovation
- Leadership
- People Management
- Delivery
- Project Management
- Collaboration and Partnership
- Communication
- Knowledge Management
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NEW TANZANIAN JOBS OPPORTUNITIES 2019 (1,430+ POSTS) Required Skills and Experience
- Master’s or Higher Degree in environmental science and management, climate science, geographic studies, international development, economics, or a related field is required. A first university degree in related fields, with two additional years of relevant experience will also be acceptable, in lieu of a master’s degree;
- A minimum of ten 10 years’ experience with a Masters degree in implementing/coordinating development projects in the fields of climate change and/or environmental sustainability and decentralization issues, of which at least three years managerial /professional level work experience working on policy, regulatory and technical advisory services with national and subnational stakeholders is highly desirable;
- Work experience with local governments, local stakeholders, local communities, and with addressing gender equality as project objective and/or cross-cutting issues;
- Strong networking capabilities and ability to associate him/herself with a range of actors (inter alia central and subnational governments; CSOs, NGOs, policy makers; national statistics office and donors, and local communities) with a view to building relations and facilitating links;
- Experience with a UN organization/agency is desirable;
- Experience with ATLAS and UNCDF Procurement Processes is desired, but not a requirement;
- Excellent command in written and spoken English;
- Fluency in national language of the duty station (Swahili).
Important applicant information
All posts in the SC categories are subject to local recruitment.
Applicant information about UNDP rosters
Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.
Workforce diversity
UNDP is committed to achieving diversity within its workforce, and encourages all qualified applicants, irrespective of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, culture, religious and ethnic backgrounds to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
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The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.
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