Monday, November 25, 2019

New Job Opportunities at SNV Tanzania, Consultants

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Monday, November 25, 2019
SNV Tanzania
Jobs in Tanzania: New Job Vacancies at SNV Tanzania 2019
Job Title: Consultancy for Conducting Annual Survey of the Sunflower Market System
Job Summary
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 36 of the poorest countries worldwide, including 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa. We focus on achieving impact in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. By sharing our specialist expertise in Agriculture, Energy, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, we contribute to solving some of the leading problems facing the world today – helping to find local solutions to challenges regarding food, energy and water and sowing the seeds of lasting change. SNV is implementing a two-year project, Inclusive Business in Sunflower Value Chain which is funded by Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT). The project Goal is to increase the sustainable income and employment of productive poor men, women and youth through increased access to services, markets and inputs enabled by structural and behavioural change triggered among the actors in the sunflower market system. The project applies the M4P /MSD (Making markets work for the poor/Market Systems Development) approach in its implementation. The IB Sunflower Value Chain Project is targeting to reach 21,335 SHF (51% women and 9 % youth) as direct beneficiaries and 64,005 (60% women and youth) as indirect beneficiaries in the three Regions of Rukwa, Katavi and Songwe. Therefore, the project is aiming to reaching 85,340 (57% women and youth) beneficiaries in total. Geographically, the project is operating in three Regions and seven Districts1
  • Minimum Qualification: Postgrad
  • Experience Level: Management level
  • Experience Length: 10 years
Project Background
IB Sunflower Project started in 2017 (start-up phase) and is now in the two years pilot phase that started in Mid October 2018. The overall theory of change is that by creating formalised business relationships between SHF, S/M Processors and off-takers or local and regional markets, we generate guaranteed
  • 7 districts are Songwe, Mbozi, Momba (Songwe Region), Nkasi and Sumbawanga (Rukwa Region).Others are Mlele and Tanganyika (Katavi Region).
  • markets that pull new businesses to provide inputs, extension, BDS, financial services to men, women and youth who are SHF or running MSMEs in the market. We maintain a targeted focus on demonstrating the business incentives for doing business with women and youth and making products/ services that are gender and youth–responsive to support equitable market development. The business partners/market actors include Bytrade Tanzania Ltd, PASS, NMB, CRDB, TPB, TADB, Outassurance Brokers-Tanzania, EmJee, ADP Mbozi, TAPBDS, EFTA, Live Support System Ltd (Soil-cares franchise holder), S/M processors and MBESOPA, YARA and E-SOKO. Others are ADP Mbozi, TAPBDS, AgriProfocus, Local Government Authorities specifically the Agriculture and Community Development departments as these are key market actors for sustaining sunflower production interventions and the women and youth economic empowerment agenda.
Read Also:

Project Purpose and Outcomes
The outcomes of the project will be increased production and sale of sunflower that is produced using climate smart inputs and services to small holder farmers – men, women and youth – who are able to operate their farms as businesses, guaranteed by secure market access through producer groups who can negotiate better input and output deals for their members. Inputs and extension and BDS will be provided by MSMEs who have crowded into the marketplace for new business and who are offering more employment opportunities. Small and medium processors will increase sales of semi refined and double refined oil and improve capacity utilization and be able to invest in business development. Large, small and medium processors and smallholders will operate in an inclusive sunflower market system. The project has eight interventions areas, also regarded as system change areas in the context of the IB Sunflower
Value Chain Development Project, which are:
  • Women and Youth Inclusion
  • Business Development Services
  • Access to Finance
  • Extension Services
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Market Information
  • Access to Seeds and other Inputs
  • Business Enabling Environment
With the overall target of reaching 21,335 SHFs, the project developed three business cases that are critical for facilitating the implementation of the above-mentioned intervention areas. The business cases address provision of business development services, capacitating AMCOS and PGs (make them business ready) and introduction of gender track coaching solutions.

Objectives of the Assignment
The objective for this particular assignment is to undertake annual systemic market survey to assess the project performance to date and provide recommendation that will support to shape implementation for the remaining implementation period and ensure effective implementation of the project interventions that will guarantee scalability and sustainability of sunflower market interventions. Specifically, the service provider undertaking this annual sunflower market systems survey will execute the following activities.
Applicants are advised that applications will be evaluated using the following criteria: (COPY AND PASTE THE LINK BELOW TO A NEW TAB TO VIEW THIS CRITERIA)

The Market Analysis Report is required to be presented and submitted by 20th January 2020 in order to inform timely ongoing programming.
The consultant will submit the following deliverables:
1. Inception Report – outlining the approach that will be taken, detailed activity plan and schedule of field work (16th December 2019)
2. Draft final report (13th January 2019). Report to include, at a minimum:
  • Map of the sunflower market system, actors relations and incentives analysis.
  • Assessment of annual performance of the project – women/youth inclusion, access to finance, access to inputs, extension services and climate adaptation, business
  • development services, market information, business enabling environment
  • Scalability and sustainability of the interventions as per IB sunflower project guide
  • Clear recommendations as to future steps and interventions in order to facilitate sunflower market growth that benefits the SHF
3. Final report (20th January 2020). Including all the sections outlined above
The selected individual consultant will work under the direction of, and report to Project Manager for the Inclusive Business in Sunflower Value Chain project.

Qualifications and Experience
The individual consultant must demonstrate the following:
1. Post-graduate qualifications in Agriculture Economics, Development, or related field
2. At least ten years working in Market systems development, preferably in Agricultural markets, a significant portion of which must have been using M4P methodologies and approaches
3. Demonstrated experience in conducting Market Systems analysis
4. Knowledge and familiarity of working in East Africa

The consultant will prepare a fee structure for this engagement in the entire assignment, clearly showing days/ level of effort and price breakdown for each activity and member of the team if a team is being proposed. An agreed percentage of the fee will be paid on submission and acceptance of the inception report, and the remainder paid on completion and acceptance of the final report by the SNV technical team. Costs related to logistics such as DSA, flights, accommodation, in country travel shall be listed under separate budget lines and may be dealt with directly by SNV instead of leaving the consultant to procure these services. Please note that DSA will not be reimbursed at higher than SNV’s rates (40% of published UN rates).

Be aware that SNV is subject to the laws of Government of United Republic of Tanzaniaand compliant to various statutory laws including Tax law. Therefore, the consultant will be reliable for with holds 5% tax on national consultancy fees and 10% on international consultancy fees.
The consultant should submit the following documents as their full proposal:
1. Technical proposal outlining the approach and methods
2. CVs for all proposed team members, clearly showing past relevant experience to this assignment, and including any other relevant documents you wish to bring to our attention, such a market studies you have completed in the past (including copies of certificates for any listed qualifications)
3. Financial proposal4. Completed copy of the attached Bio-data form for all proposed team members if appropriate, clearly indicating your past consultancy fee history with references that can be checked
Caution: To view this section table, kindly refer to the link

Mandatory Requirement - Copies of: Tax Registration certificate TIN
The above requirement is mandatory and failure to provide them will result into disqualification of the whole bid.
Proposal Submission
Proposals must be submitted in full to SNV Procurement Department by 16.30Hrs no later than 4th December 2019, through email: The subject line should read: SNV Annual Survey – Sunflower Market System.

Thanks for reading New Job Opportunities at SNV Tanzania, Consultants

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