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Girl Effect Tanzania |
Jobs in Tanzania 2020: New Jobs Vacancies at Girl Effect Tanzania 2020
Position: Social and Behaviour Change Communications Strategic Support Consultant
Draft Terms of Reference
Social and Behaviour Change Communications Strategic Support Tanzania - Girl Effect/Gavi Partnership
N.B. These
are draft terms of reference which are being circulated for the purpose
of sharing with potential consultants, in order to identify a suitable
consultant to lead the process. These TORs will be finalised once a
suitable consultant has been identified.
Who We Are
Girl Effect builds youth brands and mobile platforms to empower girls to change their lives
Effect is a non-profit working with girls to change their lives. We
empower girls to navigate the pivotal time of adolescence, so they are
enabled to live a healthy life, participate in school, and prepare for
their future financially. We inspire and equip girls with information
and support, to help them see a different future for themselves, make
impactful decisions in their lives, and drive greater demand for the
opportunities and services available to them. We work on the deep-seated
psychological drivers that influence adolescent girls’ decision-making,
building their intrinsic motivation to act, to achieve sustainable
behaviour change.
We know that when one girl is inspired to act,
she motivates others to do the same. And if enough girls are enabled to
act - for example, by visiting a health clinic, taking up a
vaccination, staying in school, or setting up a bank account - then this
becomes a new normal for girls and those around them.
able to reach millions of girls by delivering our work via the
technology girls use everyday, including mobile phones, TV and radio.
We’re pioneering developments in artificial intelligence, Interactive
Voice Response (IVR), chatbot and mobile technology to find innovative
ways to reach and engage girls more personally, at scale, and cost
effectively. Two-thirds of the globe has access to a mobile and it’s
only set to increase - our priority is to leverage this opportunity now.
We work across the world in places where girls are marginalised and
vulnerable, including Malawi, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Nigeria, Indonesia,
Tanzania and India – with our digital platforms engaging millions of
girls in more than 50 countries.
Background to Cervical Cancer and the HPV vaccine in Tanzania
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in the world and Tanzania is among the five countries with the highest rates in Africa. In April 2018, the HPV vaccine started to be rolled out to all 14-year-old girls (those enrolled in school and those not) with a new form of routine delivery service at the national level. Girls need two doses of the vaccine and in Tanzania they are given 6 months apart. Schools liaise with their local health centre to establish the best mechanisms for immunisation and this may involve the vaccinators visiting the schools when a sufficient number of 14 year olds need vaccinating. Out of school girls need to visit their local health centre. This is quite a different approach to many countries, where all girls are given the vaccine in schools in a one month campaign and often countries target younger girls to ensure they are still in school. In Tanzania, many of the 14 year olds are already out of school and they have to express some agency and attend a health centre.
Nationally gIrls are immunised when coverage of the vaccine reaches over 90%. However, in Tanzania, in many areas, the coverage has been low (around 45%). Drop out between the two doses has been high. There are inevitably a combination of factors that contribute to this. Many 14 year olds girls are out of school, or may drop out of school between the first and the second dose. Rural girls may have far to visit a health centre or school, awareness of the HPV vaccine, it’s need and when and where to get it may not high. Co-ordination and liasons between health centres and schools may not be optimal.
Introduction to our Partnership with Gavi in Tanzania
Girl Effect was asked to help support the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and partners to increase HPV vaccine coverage with improved equity across in and out of school girls. Working to an initial time frame of 12 months (early implementation period), Girl Effect is working to understand the key reasons for low HPV vaccine uptake / high drop out for dose 2 and develop a strong evidence based plan for delivery of content. Our communications are all delivered through our brand, Tujibebe (which is active across a number of platforms, including IVR phone line, online, and likely local radio stations) to improve girls knowledge of their health and the HPV vaccine, priming girls for supporting Gavi and partners to increase uptake of the vaccine beyond 2020. Within the early implementation period, we will create bespoke content driving towards knowledge and attitudinal outcomes on health and the HPV vaccine on Tujibebe’s mobile platforms, and look for new opportunities to establish partnerships with existing clubs, schools and girls’ networks to ensure the content reaches in and out of school girls where they are. Working in collaboration with MoHCDGEC, Gavi and other health, governmental and local partners, Girl Effect will develop a theory of change and plan its programme to deliver impact against outcomes between September 2019 - October 2020.
Girl Effect is therefore seeking an experienced consultant to lead the development of this social and behaviour change communications strategy focusing on increasing uptake of the HPV vaccine, as part of a broader partnership between Girl Effect, Gavi and MoHCDGEC.
Purpose of the assignment
To develop an evidence-based social and behaviour change communications strategy to improve uptake of the HPV vaccine from 2021. This strategy will look at two options for MoHCDGEC- one working with Girl Effect and continuing to use the Tuji-bebe brand, the other using assets that Girl Effect has developed, but fit for purpose for use by the MoHCDGEC (i.e. aligned with the resources that the MoHCDGEC have to take this work forward in future).
Specific background to the assignment
Currently, Girl Effect is designing a social change communication programme to implement in Tanzania from October 2019 to October 2020, to prime girls to receive the HPV vaccine, through improving their knowledge and attitudes towards the vaccine. This assignment aims to ensure that the journey that girls begin with Tujibebe is sustainable beyond the relatively short period of delivering content directly under our current partnership with Gavi in the country.
As part of Girl Effect’s deliverables for our Gavi partnership in Tanzania, we will develop a longer-term strategy for how the MoHCDGEC can deliver behaviour change in future (from 2021). This is to maximise the sustainability of Girl Effect’s work in Tanzania.
It’s not clear at this stage if Girl Effect will continue to have funding beyond 2020, therefore the strategy should consider how MOHCDGEC could build on the learnings and materials developed by Girl Effect without Girl Effect’s ongoing support and include a brief for Girl Effect of additional materials they could develop.
We have committed to bringing together insights, and pulling together the existing evidence base through desk research, to inform this longer term strategy. Desk research will collate insights from existing reports from organisations including CDC and CHAI. This will be completed by mid-Feb to be able to guide the development and further investigation of the strategy piece. Girl Effect is also commissioning an additional piece of formative research for Gavi with fieldwork in March 2020 which will explore girls’ motivations and barriers to HPV vaccine uptake. Amongst other things this research will delve into: dropout between the first and second dose; additional conditions specific to out of school girls; the relative influence of our behaviour change drivers in relation to HPV vaccine uptake. The analysis and reporting on this should be completed by the end of April 2020 to allow for the findings to be integrated into the strategy.
Girl Effect is one of several partners that is funded by Gavi to increase vaccine uptake in Tanzania. MoHCDGEC hosts a technical working group and social mobilisation committee to ensure all activities are co-ordinated. A key stakeholder and co-ordinator of the TWG for the HPV vaccine is the EPI manager at MoHCDGEC – Dr Dafrossa. Key country partners are Jhpiego, CHAI (as well as UNICEF and WHO).
MoHCDGEC has good data looking at the uptake of dose 1 and dose 2 by different health centres and this information will be part of the desk research. In addition to this it’s worth noting that CDC is doing a global study which includes Tanzania, which may have some useful findings which will give indications why uptake is higher in some schools and health centres than others (this will cover many issues beyond communications). It is based on a survey of of health workers, school teachers and community leaders and although it is done to look at mapping costs in different areas, there may be other issues that come up as relevant to driving uptake – e,g. the extent to which a particular health facility is doing out reach. Once this study is available in early March the consultant should review and incorporate into thinking if and where relevant. Jhpiego and CHAI are working at the community level to ensure HPV vaccine uptake is high and it will be important to understand their activities, where they are working, what they are doing and what they have learnt, so that the communications strategy builds on existing work.
The strategy will also need to be developed based on an accurate understanding of the capacity and resources of the relevant officials/departments within the MOHCDGEC (and any relevant vaccine alliance partners) to implement the strategy in future years. Therefore, the process of developing the strategy should include close consultation with Dr Dafrossa and relevant parties that she identifies within the MoHCDGEC to understand their aspirations for the strategy (e.g. specific objectives), opportunities and limitations in terms of capacity, resources, partnerships etc., and to understand how they would like to participate in the strategy development process.
Girl Effect is committed to taking a participatory approach to our work wherever possible, and we encourage consultants to think creatively about involving our audiences and the future users of the strategy in this process.
The strategy will then be presented to Gavi, MoHCDGEC and the Technical Working Group and will include recommendations on the best way to convert knowledge and motivation into behaviour change, ultimately leading to increased uptake of the HPV vaccine.
Inputs,Deliverables and Timings
Overall deliverable:
A communications strategy which will lead to increased vaccine uptake for 2021 and beyond. The strategy should use Girl Effect’s model of behaviour change to consider which communications approaches are needed for girls (and their parents) to help increase vaccine uptake. The strategy should identify core objectives and messages for in school and out of school girls.
Two options of appropriate formats and media/distribution methods to be considered
- If the partnership with Girl Effect is not continued beyond 2020
- If the partnership is continued with Girl Effect.
There are 4 core steps and timings towards this:
- Written feedback given to Girl Effect’s evidence team on desk research
- A clear brief on what is required for the strategy, which is developed based on key discussions with MoHCDGEC and key partners from the TWG and global Gavi partnership such as CHAI, Jhpiego, CDC, WHO, UNICEF.
- Draft strategy
- Final strategy – which will need an executive summary and need to be available as a word document and power point presentation.
CHECK SCHOLARSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES TO STUDY ABROAD CLICK HERE! We anticipate that this assignment will require the following inputs (with estimated level of effort), totalling approximately 20 person-days of work. However, should the prospective consultant wish to propose an alternative approach to completing the assignment, this can also be proposed and discussed with the Girl Effect team.
• Review existing desk research conducted by Girl Effect team and other relevant programme documentation – 1 day
• Deliverable: written feedback to the Girl Effect Evidence and Insights team on the desk research
• Review formative qualitative research tool – 1/2 day
• Deliverable: comments and suggestions added to qualitative tool
• Highlight any outstanding gaps in knowledge, work with the evidence team to understand and draw out implications and insights from the research (1 day)
• In-country strategy development including scoping with Ministry of Health to clarify their needs and objectives from the strategy process (11 days in total)
• International travel (2 days)
• Local travel (e.g. Dar to Mwanza) (1 day)
• Flexible time in country (working with team, consultation with Ministry of Health and other key stakeholders, workshops, interviews, etc) (8 days)
• Deliverable: final, detailed brief for the strategy, including purpose, context for implementation, parameters, and structure
• Develop a first draft of the strategy (for review by key stakeholders) (5 days)
• Deliverable: Draft strategy
• Finalise strategy based on feedback from key stakeholders (1 day), participate in dissemination event (this could be remotely if consultant is not based in country) (1 – 1.5 day)
• Deliverables: Finalised strategy including executive summary (Word doc), presentation of strategy to share at dissemination event with MOH and other partners (PPT or similar file)
January 2020 – TOR drafted and shared, consultant proposal reviewed
February 2020 – Consultant appointed. Review desk research and formative research tool
March 2020 – Begin to develop strategy
April 2020 – Deliver strategy outputs
Reporting and communication lines
This role will report in to Jacqueline Gaskell, Global Programme Lead, Gavi partnership.
Day to day, this assignment will be managed by Veronica Shao-Moorhead, Project Manager for Gavi for GE in Tanzania. The consultant will keep other key stakeholders updated as advised by Jacqueline/Veronica/Tanzania Country Programmes and Partnerships Lead (CPPL) (or Nicky Davies, Head of Programmes whilst CPPL is recruited)
Read Also:
Who you are
Qualifications and Experience
• Degree in development studies or other relevant discipline such as global health, anthropology, sociology, social psychology, etc. Post-graduate degree in a relevant discipline is desirable
• Extensive and proven leadership experience in the design of social and behaviour change communications strategies in a similar/comparable field (e.g. adolescent sexual and reproductive health programming)
• Experience in delivering strategic/technical support to Ministries of Health in similar contexts
• Demonstrated experience in creative and strategic thinking
• Preferably, lived or professional experience in global south contexts
Skills and knowledge
• Good understanding of gender-specific issues affecting adolescent girls
• Strong analytical ability, effective communicator
• Strong ability to present information in a concise, insightful, structured and provocative manner, both in written and oral forms
• Excellent interpersonal skills and experience working in a multicultural team
• Excellent consultation and facilitation skills
• Ability to be flexible within a fast-paced, changing environment
• A passion for social change typically evidenced by a strong interest and prior experience applying creative approaches to social issues such as economic development, global health, education or the environment.
• Commitment to realising the potential of girls and to the vision and values of Girl Effect.
Free CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview Questions and It's Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here!
Request for Proposals:
Please send the following:
• A two-page version of your CV (or the CVs of up to three team members, including the team lead, if you’re proposing a team approach)
• A one-page description of how you would approach delivering these Terms of Reference.
• A budget for delivering this work (including daily rate)
Closing date for applications: 24th January 2020
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