Saturday, January 22, 2022

10 New Job Opportunities at China Dasheng Bank Limited - Various Posts

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Saturday, January 22, 2022
China Dasheng Bank Ltd
Jobs in Tanzania 2022: New Job Vacancies at China Dasheng Bank Limited, 2022
China Dasheng Bank Ltd is a fully -fledged commercial bank approved by the central Bank of Tanzania. It is the first bank in Tanzania established jointly by Chinese state -owned and private companies. The Bank has one branch located at ground floor, extelecoms house, Samora Avenue. Also, the Bank Head office is located at mezzanine floor, extelecoms house, Samora Avenue.
China Dasheng Bank invites suitable applicants to fill the following posts below....

Job title: Branch Manager
Responsible to:
Head of Operations
Duration of Contract: Three (3 Years)
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Ensuring efficient and economical administration of the Branch.
  • Ensuring that safety and security of Branch assets is maintained all the time.
  • Controlling overall activities of the Branch and ensuring efficient services to customers.
  • Ascertaining that all branch returns including daily activities summary are prepared on daily, weekly and monthly basis and submitted to Head Office and Bank of Tanzania promptly.
  • Carrying out CDBL policies and ensuring that all staff under him/ her join in carrying out the instructions.
  • Ascertaining that adequate staff rotation and on job training are carried.
  • Promoting healthy relations between management and staff as well as maintaining sound public and staff relations.
  • Opening and examining all mail from Head Office and signing all outgoing Head Office and other correspondences.
  • Scrutinizing daily all branch vouchers and records to ensure that the day’s activities have been properly carried out and accounted for.
  • Carrying out periodic surprise snap checks of cashiers.
  • Advising the Head of Operations on how to expand the CDBL business.
  • Appraise staff performance in the branch.
  • Ensuring that all drafts TTs, MTs and transfers from the branch account for customers who have sold for to the Institution are affected promptly.
  • To ensure high risk situations are identified early and actions taken for proper intensive handling and recovery.
  • Carrying out any other duties as may be assigned by the Head of Operations.

Required Education & Experience
  • Degree in Business Administration, Economics, Commerce or equivalent from a recognized Institution with 7 years relevant working experience.

Job title: Head of Credit and Recovery
Responsible to:
Duration of Contract: Three (3) Years
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Heading Credit Department
  • Formulation of constant review of the Bank’s Credit Policy and establishment of a regime of controls and discipline that ensures compliance with lending principles and guidelines laid down in the Credit Policy Document.
  • Continually review sectoral ceilings, discretionary authorities; portfolio measures; including industry limit, tenue limits, risk rating, NPLs, risk acceptance criteria, security acceptance and credit risk metrices.
  • Ensuring that provisioning policies are in line with Bank’s Credit Policy Document, comply with Banking Act provisions and coordinate with Finance Division to ensure appropriate provisions and interest suspensions are affected in the Bank’s accounting system.
  • Management of Credit Appraisal system, ensuring that appropriate reviews of credit proposals are undertaken on timely basis.
  • Ensure continued maintenance of quality portfolio risk management especially in line with CDB growth strategy.
  • Implementation of automated process to minimize manual interventions thereby increasing efficiencies in delivery of credit products at both personal and corporate lending levels.
  • Providing ongoing relevant training to all bank staff involved in lending business to address identified skill gapes.
  • Identification and management of substandard and non­performing assets portfolio of the Bank in line with Credit Policy Document and recommend to the EXCO and the Board, which minimize losses and facilitate full recovery of any exposure taken by the Bank.
  • Providing technical support to the EXCO on the management of Bank’s credit portfolio and the review and approval process for credit proposals.
  • Management of the credit administration aspect of the portfolio, including ensuring that all requisite security documents are in place prior to disbursements.
  • Organize, manage, and motivate the available human capital within Credit Department through establishment of suitable organization structure and implementing development programmes to optimize competence and productivity.
  • Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the CEO.
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Required Education & Experience
  • Degree in Banking, Economics, Finance, Accountancy or equivalent from a recognized Institution with not less than 10 years relevant working experience in Credit Administration in a reputable firm, 5 of which should be at Senior Managerial level.

Job title: Trainee (5 Posts)
Responsible to:
Assigned Head of Department
Duration of Contract: Three months
Required Education & Experience
  • Degree in Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Banking, Accounting, Law, ICT, Public Administration or equivalent from a recognized Institution with excellent knowledge in English language.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • All banking operations

Job title: Head of Legal and Company Secretary
Responsible to:
Duration of Contract: Three (3) Years
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Heading Legal Department.
  • Participating in negotiations with outside parties.
  • Providing legal advice on all aspects of the law in CDBL operations.
  • Filing of documents in courts.
  • Handling, negotiating and drafting of commercial contracts, leases, and other legal instruments
  • Processing, probating and administering property for the CDBL.
  • Appearing in court on behalf of the CDBL.
  • Proper recording and custody of contracts implementation follow up and ensuring the contractual obligations are met under the contracts.
  • Vetting all legal documents emanating from outside the CDBL in which the CDBL is/will be a party.
  • Participating in and witnessing all contracts.
  • Secretary to the Board of Director’s meetings
  • Secretary to all Management Committee meetings
  • In charge of Legal Department and legal advisor to the CDBL.
  • Drawing up prescribed legal forms, documents and policies.
  • Indexing filing, registration of various Acts, Government notices and other legal documents.
  • Preparing and giving legal opinion and clearance to agreements, leases, etc. as required by the superiors from time to time.
  • Where necessary, consulting with outside legal counsel on any legal matters which require such assistance or representation.
  • Drawing up departments’ expenditure and staff budgets and controlling expenditure within the budget.
  • Appraise staff performance in his department.
  • Custodian of all CDBL documents and minutes of the CDBL concerning various meetings.
  • Performs any other related duties assigned by CEO
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Required Education & Experience
  • Degree in Law from a recognized Institution with a practicing certificate as an advocate with not less than 10 years relevant working experience in a reputable firm, 5 of which should be at Senior Managerial level.

Job title: Head of Human Resources
Responsible to:
Duration of Contract:
Three (3) Years
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Heading the Human Resources Department.
  • Serving on various CDBL committees as representative of the Human Resources Division and Assists the Chief Executive Officer in day to day Staff matters activities.
  • Review and advise on training programmes, human resources and administrative policies and procedures, inventory and personnel records and data, staff leave, insurance cover security etc.
  • Ensure maintenance of good public image of the CDBL through courteous staff and clear surroundings.
  • Responsible for compensation claims, medical, disciplinary affairs and CDBL functions.
  • Formulates, recommends and ensures adherence to Administrative and Human Resources Policies Procedures and Regulations.
  • To prepare and implement manpower Plan, Policies, Administrative Budget and review of Incentive Schemes and Schemes of Services.
  • Ensuring health and safety of CDBL staff.
  • Processing recommendations for Staff Performance Appraisals,
  • Promotions, Transfer and Salaries.
  • In consultation with relevant heads of work places to process all Disciplinary Cases and Recommending Action to be taken.
  • Keeping the CDBL well informed of labour legislations and directives relevant to the CDBL Management and Workers.
  • In consultation with Head of Departments and Branches to assess Staff Requirements and Recruitment strategies.
  • Developing and maintaining a standard system for staff records and files.
  • Planning, Developing and administering social welfare, sports and cultural activities in the CDBL.
  • Carrying out any other duties as assigned by CEO

Required Education & Experience
  • Degree in Public Administration, Human Resources Management, Sociology, Business Administration, or equivalent from a recognized Institution with 10 years working experience 5 of which must be at Senior Managerial level. Knowledge in basic chines language is an added advantage.

Job title: Head of ICT
Responsible to:
Duration of Contract: Three (3) Years
Duties and Responsibilities
  • Heading the ICT Department.
  • Responsible to offer the first line of support for the core Banking system and all other systems for the entire Bank. This includes monitoring and execution of the functions of all ICT business enablers of the Bank and supervising officers in the ICT unit.
  • Collaborates with appropriate departments to assess and recommend technologies that support Bank’s organizational needs.
  • Shares responsibility for the formulation and implementation of the Bank’s strategic plan by active participation as an Executive team member in strategy planning forums as the digital and IT subject matter expert.
  • Develops and executes the digital and technology strategic and operating plan to support and enhance Bank’s strategic ambitions and business requirements, focusing resources so that cost effectiveness and optimum customer service experiences are achieved. Foster innovation, prioritizing IT initiatives, and coordinating the evaluation, deployment, and management of current and future IT systems
  • Establishes and sets short and long-range objectives for the digital strategy for the Bank and gain buy-in of the various stakeholders and establishing criteria for monitoring progress and measuring success.
  • Defines and executes a strategy for the core banking systems/ platforms/networks that is cost effective, reduces complexity and improves speed to market of new product delivery.
  • Communicates Bank’s technology strategy to management, staff, partners, and stakeholders as and when appropriate.
  • Oversees the management of customer service and support processes for technology-based services.
  • Acts as an IT and digital pathfinder, interprets critical business drivers, conducts research, maintains an understanding of current banking/financial services industry trends, consults and participates in peer review in order to develop long-term plans and to provide a framework for decision-making in respect of Information Technology delivery.
  • Ensure technology is accessible and equipped with current hardware and software.
  • Advise and/ or negotiate with vendors and service contractors to ensure high level of return consistent with services rendered.
  • Preparation of an ICT strategy to support business growth in line with the bank’s Strategic plan.
  • Create and maintain documentation for supported ICT systems in accordance with ICT policy standards.
  • Ensuring adherence with software licensing laws and Oversee all technology operations including networks, compute infrastructure, Databases, Banking applications and deploy & operate them according to established goals.
  • Advise and establish IT policies and systems to support the implementation of strategies set by the Board.
  • Translate business needs to determine technology requirements.
  • Responsible for BCP.
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by CEO.

Required Education & Experience
  • Degree in Computer Science with at least 10 years working experience; 5 of which must be at Senior Managerial level.
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Applications should include the following:
  • Typed letter of application hand-signed by the applicant.
  • Detailed CV.
  • Photocopies of relevant Certificates.
  • Two recent passport size photographs of the applicant.
  • Name of at least two referees with complete contact details.
Attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate.
Applications should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
China Dasheng Bank Ltd,
P.O. Box 388,
Dar es Salaam.

Physical Address:
Mezanine Floor, Extelecoms House, Samora Avenue, Dar es Salaam.
Closing Date
The deadline for submitting the application is 15th February, 2022.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

Thanks for reading 10 New Job Opportunities at China Dasheng Bank Limited - Various Posts

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