Friday, September 16, 2022

3 New Job Vacancies at SWISSAID Tanzania - Various Posts

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Friday, September 16, 2022
Jobs in Tanzania 2022: Job Vacancies at SWISSAID Tanzania 2022
SWISSAID is a non-government organization headquartered in Switzerland with operations in nine countries. It operates in Tanzania since 1972 with a focus on small scale farming, gender equality and extractives. Swissaid Tanzania has joined hands with other likeminded AE stake holders to support efforts of the government of Tanzania to promote Fish Farming to become a center of excellence of agriculture in Tanzania. Together with other supports, Swissaid Tanzania will station one project officer to be part of the implementing team in Lindi Region.

The overarching objective of Swissaid Tanzania is to improve sustainable rural livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
Further information about SWISSAID is available on:

Project Officer – Marine and Fresh Fish Farming
Duty station:
Ngongo/Tulieni – Nanenane ground (Lindi Region)
Areas of intervention on marine and fresh fish farming:
  • Extension services to fish farming communities’ sitesnselection for marine fish farming.
  • Extension services to marine fish farmers on best techniques in earthen ponds, dykes, and gates construction.
  • Extension services on tilapia farming, breeding, and acclimatizing from fresh water to marine water.
  • Extension services on fish farming management in terms of stocking rates, time to harvest, manuring, feeding and water exchanges on tidal basis.
  • Extension services on mangrove forest conservation and rehabilitation toward climatic changes adaptation and mitigation.

Regions of operation:

Field operations are mainly taking place in the regions of Mtwara, Lindi and Ruvuma, in close coordination and
collaboration with the District and Regional Fishery and Forestry offices.

Key duties and responsibilities of the Project Officer:
  • Consolidate the construction, maintenance and management of the improved ponds and resultant
  • increase in food and income from establishing the fish farming value chain.
  • Increase the knowledge of fish farmers on handling the production of milk fish and tilapia and support the establishment of marketing networks.
  • Support the capacity building of the umbrella organization and the exit strategy and post-project sustainability plan to continue the activities at the end of this phase.
  • Provide technical backstopping on both marine and freshwater fish farming and conduct regular field visits to fish farmer groups, including in remote areas.
  • Coordinate other Income Generating Activities (IGAs) along the mangrove forests such as beekeeping.
  • Promote and use new technologies, in particular dedicated smartphone applications.
  • Ensure project material on pond construction, milk fish and tilapia farming is updated, simplified, and distributed to farmers as training aides, helping them to use this to make simple business and production plans.
  • Use the material in training of lead farmers and use during Field Farmer Schools (FFS) to train fellow farmers.
  • Develop simplistic performance monitoring tools as a basis to keep records of performance, stocking feed and manure inputs and water quality, and guide production accordingly.
  • Work with groups to prepare proposals for pond repairs and gate rehabilitation, provision materials, oversee construction, guide on designs and engineering, ensure photographic records and ensure quality.
  • Encourage self-help to maintain dikes and deepen ponds and any other work to ensure production and water quality management.
  • Oversee tilapia hatchery pond developments and operations.
  • Develop production targets, develop production plans, keep regular reports of events, and together with DFO
  • Extension Agent, consulting Groups prepare quarterly progress reports against results and activities, reporting to quarterly Technical Project Meetings.
  • Establish good working relations and coordinate work with the District Fisheries Officer and other relevant stakeholders.
  • In collaboration with Swissaid gender focal point, helpbmainstream gender throughout the project.
  • Carry out any other work as needed to achieve results.

Qualifications and experience:
  • Hold a first university degree in fisheries, aquaculture and aquatic sciences, specialized in marine fish farming
  • OR.
  • Hold a advanced diploma and/or a significant experience in the area of aquaculture /fisheries.
  • Demonstrated experience with project management and leadership, with capacity to effectively work with diverse communities along the coastal areas.
  • Interest and experience with grassroots communities in the marine and freshwater fish farming sector.
  • Practical experience and interest in working with multiple partners including the government, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector.
  • A commitment to equal opportunities and promotion of gender equality and equity.
  • High level analytical and report writing skills in English.
  • Fluent in English and Swahili.
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Must be a competent motorcycle rider on long field distances along the coastal areas.
  • Ability to work independently, multitasking and under pressure.
  • Be focused on results, with strong work ethic and self- motivation and a Team player.

Duration of Employment
The Project Officer will work on renewable yearly basis depending to availability of fund starting with probation period of six (6) months working in the project.

Project Officer Agroecology
Duty station:
– Dodoma -Bihawana
Areas of intervention on small scale farming:
  • Increasing smallholder farmers’ productivity and production through diversified agro-ecological
  • farming.
  • Improving smallholder farmers’ capacity to generate net income through productive agro-ecological value
  • chains.
  • Strengthening smallholder farmers’ organizations to enhance sustainability and accountability.
  • Promote agro-ecology in national agriculture policies, plans and programmes, as a solution to sustainably increase the productivity and profitability of the agriculture sector and to enhance the
  • livelihoods of smallholder farmers.

Regions of operation:
Field operations are mainly taking place in the regions of Mtwara, Lindi, Ruvuma, Morogoro but also to a limited extent in Pwani and other regions.
The intended project officer will be responsible for selected districts in Dodoma
Further information on SWISSAID is available at ; and on agroecology at

Job purpose:
Join other staff at Bihawana FTC to promote the center and become Ecological Organic Agriculture credible training

Some of the key duties and responsibilities:
  • Take a leading role in the coordination and implementation of activities related to agro- ecological farming but not limited to, the implementation of project “Enhancing agro- ecological demonstration & training capacity of the BFTC
  • As part of this project, coordinate the implementation of a training plan across selected EOA farming communities
  • Organize and conduct training sessions and contribute to the production of training material.
  • Provide technical backstopping on agro-ecology and conduct regular field visits to farmer groups, including in remote areas.
  • Promote and use new technologies, in particular dedicated smartphone applications.
  • Foster good coordination and synergies with other elements of the EOA imitative in the country.
Read Also:

Qualifications and experience:
  • Hold a first university degree in the area of agriculture, preferably in agronomy/horticulture, with a minimum of three years working experience.
  • Hold a certificate or diploma and/or a significant experience in the area of ecological agriculture / agro-
  • ecology.
  • Demonstrated experience with project management and leadership, with capacity to effectively manage multi-
  • years projects and lead a team of up to 10 people.
  • Interest and experience with grassroots communities in
  • the agriculture sector.
  • Practical experience and interest in working with multiple partners including the government, civil society
  • organizations, academia and the private sector.
  • A commitment to equal opportunities and promotion of
  • gender equity.
  • High level analytical and report writing skills in English.
  • Fluent in English and Swahili and Must be computer
  • literate.
  • Ability to work independently, multitasking and under pressure, be focused on results, with strong work ethic
  • and self-motivation.
  • Be a team player.

Field Driver Cum Mechanics/Messenger
Duty station:
-Masasi (Mtwara region) or Lindi
Areas of intervention on small scale farming:
  • Increasing smallholder farmers’ productivity and production through diversified agro-ecological
  • farming.
  • Improving smallholder farmers’ capacity to generate net income through productive agro-ecological value
  • chains.
  • Strengthening smallholder farmers’ organizations to enhance sustainability and accountability.
  • Promote agro ecology in national agriculture policies, plans and programmes, as a solution to sustainably increase the productivity and profitability of the agriculture sector and to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.

Regions of operation:
Field operations are mainly taking place in the regions of Mtwara and Lindi, Morogoro, Dodoma, Pwani Bagmoyo but also to a limited extent in other regions.
Further information on SWISSAID is available at ; and on agroecology at

Job purpose:
As part of Swissaid Tanzania Country Programme 2019- 2024, contribute to Outcome 1 “Improved sustainable rural
livelihoods of smallholder farmers” and in particular to its Output 1 “Increased smallholder farmers’ production through diversified agro-ecological farming”.

Some of the key duties and responsibilities:
  • Operate Swissaid Vehicles and do basic maintenance
  • Maintain defensive driving
  • Perform daily Pre-trip and Post-trip vehicle inspection.
  • Ensure safety keeping the vehicle and accessories (e.g Jack, spare tire, wheel spanner, First Aid Kit & another tool)
  • Serve as a positive role model while providing transportation services
  • Able to read and observe Traffic rules and to avoid traffic offensive and respond immediately to accident and ensure immediate action required is taken.
  • Check and inform the management on expiration of Vehicle Road permits
  • Ensure the periodic scheduled vehicles for maintenance is done in appropriate time, include arranging regular cleaning for the vehicle, planning each route based on road and observe traffic conditions.
  • To Provide other services as requested by management when not engaged in transportation services.
  • Complying with road Tanzania Road regulations and be updated with new rules.
  • Participate in SW Team activities and contribute to regular HR, Administrative and Finance matters as necessary.
  • Perform messenger duties as and when needed, including but not limited to delivery and collection of material/documents and work-related items.
Qualifications and experience:
  • Possession of Advanced level certificate or Ordinary level certificate
  • Holder of Certificate or Diploma advanced Drivers Course Grade II Industrial or VIP and/or a significant
  • from NIT/VETA.
  • Able to read/Speak and write English (recommended) and Kiswahili (must)
  • Possession of Driving License Class “E”
  • Practical experience and interest in working with Project activities including the government, civil society,
  • academia, organizations, agriculture sector and private sectors.
  • Computer literate (recommended).
  • Ability to work independently, multitasking extra hours, be a team player.
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Mode of application:
Candidates should submit a letter of intent describing how they qualify for this position, a CV, two referees including contact phone numbers and email address at their earliest convenience.
Deadline: September 30th September 2022.
Applicants MUST indicate expected gross salary in Tanzania shillings
Send application to:
Qualified women candidates are highly encouraged to apply for this position

Thanks for reading 3 New Job Vacancies at SWISSAID Tanzania - Various Posts

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