Wednesday, September 7, 2022

New Tender Vacancies at NELICO Tanzania September 2022

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Wednesday, September 7, 2022
NELICO Tanzania
Tender Advert for Procurement of 20 Laptops at NELICO September, 2022

New light children center organization (NELICO). Is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organization Act No. 24 of 2002 on 28th March 2006 and awarded with registration certificate No. 00NGO/0739, also registered as a legal aid provider under the Ministry of constitution and legal affairs with registration number LAP-2019-0045 in 2019. NELICO started its operations in Geita in March 2004 as an organization focusing on support to orphans and most vulnerable children.
NELICO has implemented more than 15 projects in six districts within Geita and lake zone regions respectively, worth approximately 11,200,000,000.00 Tsh since its inception, NELICO has been focusing in the following core sectors which include HIV/AIDS, OVC program, Access to Quality education, GBV prevention, Child protection, sexual reproductive health, disability inclusion and legal aid provision.


NELICO invites bids from eligible Tenderers for the Procurement of 20 Laptops Computers. Price quotation invited from reputed manufacturers/authorized Dealers/re-sellers/suppliers for supply of 20 laptops.

Specifications of Computer

Memory 8GB DDR4-3200 memory and above
Video Cards IRI XE Graphics
Hard Drive 512 GB SSD
SCREEN 15 inches HD
Keyboard US English QWERTY Key USB Keyboard Black
Processor Intel ® Core i5-1135g7 1.8 Ghz – 2.7 Ghz ( 8 CPUs) 9th generation
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üInterested and competent companies wishing to carry out the above job must submit the following documents for verification:
üEvidence of certificate of incorporation and registration with the Corporate
üCertified true copy of memorandum and article of association
üEvidence of Company Tax clearance certificate
üComprehensive company profile including registered office, functional contact email address, Verifiable evidence of similar jobs successfully executed in the past
üThis tender shall be quoted in Tanzanian Shillings
üTender shall remain valid until 14 days since its announcement
üForeign Tenderers must provide equivalent documents to Tax Compliance and PIN certificates from their country of origin OR statements certifying that the equivalent documentation is not issued in the Tenderer’s country of origin. Such Statement(s) shall be original and issued by the Tax authorities in the Tenderer’s country of origin
üThe tenderer has not been convicted of corrupt or fraudulent practices; and is not guilty of any serious violation of fair employment laws and practices

Cost of tender

The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender, and the procuring entity, will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process

The price to be charged for the tender application documents shall be 50,000TSh which should be deposited in’;
New Light Children Centre Organization (NELICO)
Account Number: 0120000
Geita Brach

Where required in the Tender, all Tenderers must also provide a Warranty that guarantee’s that the goods to be supplied under the intended contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current specification and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Tender. The Warranty shall also warrant that the goods in the Tenderer’s bid have no defect arising from manufacture, materials or workmanship or from any act or omission of the Tenderer that may develop under normal use of the goods under the conditions obtaining in Tanzania.

For Laptops, the minimum Warranty would be 2 (two) years. Original Equipment Manufacturer(s) or their Authorized representative(s)/Authorized Dealer Authorized Channel Partner(s) Authorized Supplier(s) or Domestic Manufacturer(s), should have full-fledged Servicing Centre’s, Guarantee/Warranty covered by a free replacement condition, if found defective at the time of actual use of such items by the User during the Warranty period.
Award of Contract
NELICO will award the contract to the successful Tenderer whose Tender has been determined to be substantially responsive, technically compliant and has been determined to be the lowest evaluated tender, and further, where deemed necessary, that the Tenderer is confirmed to be technically and financially qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily.

Termination of Procurement Proceedings
NELICO may at any time terminate procurement proceedings before entering into a contract and shall not be liable to any person for the termination.

NELICO shall give prompt notice of the termination to the Tenderers, and, on request from any Tenderer, give its reasons for termination within fourteen (14) days of such request.

Notification of Award

Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity, NELICO shall notify the successful and unsuccessful Tenderer in writing that its Tender has been accepted or not
The notification of award shall not constitute the formation of the contract until one is finally signed by both parties.

Bids received after the deadline for submission of the same, as prescribed by this Office, shall be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.
Download Your National ID (NIDA) Number  Here | Download NAMBA NA KITAMBULISHO CHAKO CHA NIDA. BONYEZA HAPA!


If interested please send your application Physically through the address below;
Chief Executive Director.
New Light Children Centre Organization,
P.O Box 160,
Geita, Tanzania.

The application should be in a sealed envelope and quote the tender number or reference not later than 27th September 2022.

Thanks for reading New Tender Vacancies at NELICO Tanzania September 2022

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