Friday, March 24, 2023

4 New Job Vacancies at Njombe Out Growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) - Various Posts

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Friday, March 24, 2023
Njombe Out Growers Services Co. Ltd (NOSC)
Jobs in Tanzania 2023: New Job Vacancies at Njombe Out Growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC), 2023
Njombe Out Growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) Jobs, 2023
Njombe Out Growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) is a company incorporated in November 2014 with the sole purpose of improving the livelihoods of the smallholder tea farmers in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. NOSC offers a range of support services to the farmers including the provision of essential inputs such as fertilizer, herbicides and seedlings, agronomy support, green leaf transport and logistics, green leaf plucking services and technical advisory services to farmers. NOSC’s target is to develop 2,500 Ha of smallholder tea targeting 3,000 smallholder farmers that will supply a smallholder tea factory.

Tea Operations Manager at Njombe Out growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) March, 2023
NOSC is seeking to recruit a qualified, detail oriented and self-motivated individual to take up the role of Tea Operations Manager. Based in Njombe and reporting to the General Manager, the role shall have the following key responsibilities:

Role Purpose Statement/Key Objective:
Under the direction of the General Manager and with safety, efficiency and customer service a priority, the Tea Operations Manager is accountable for the provision of technical and extension services provision to smallholder farmers, establishment and management of tea nurseries, tea field development with new farmers, smallholder farmers training and management of sustainability standards while ensuring efficient and effective professional services are provided to smallholder tea farmers to guarantee increased productivity, quality and farmer returns.

Main Responsibilities/ Key Accountabilities
Operational Responsibilities -85%
  • Oversee smallholders’ farms management with the aim of improving productivity and, ensuring quality standards are met as per agreed company annual budget.
  • Ensure smallholders farms expansion and production are conducted as per agreed quality and annual plan targets, as per sole services provider on planting materials, fertilizer rates and types and agronomic best practices.
  • Make sure all smallholder farmers are certified and have signed an agreement with sustainable agriculture network standards that focus on the protection of natural environmental, social, and economic conditions of smallholder farmers and communities as well as improving farmer’s income and livelihood.
  • Establish and manage cost effective tea seedlings nurseries as per agreed nurseries budgets.
  • Adequately manage the tea supply value chain activities in the fields to assure tea farmers of professional services based on farmers’ production, productivity, quality, market competitiveness, and trading.
  • Develop annual agricultural input requirements (Seedlings, herbicides & fertilizers) for smallholder farmers and the distribution calendar plan.
  • Provide professional backstopping to fields management staff, ensuring challenges met on the ground are identified and managed in a timely manner.
  • Develop proposals on key emerging innovations that will lead to improvement of production and quality and present these to the General Manager for assessment and deliberation.
  • Develop quarterly staff KPIs review (Monitoring and evaluation), focusing on project implementation against targets, challenges, and future mitigating measures.
  • Develop and manage farmers training needs and training schedules that focus on agronomic and sustainability issues implemented and using different approaches like FFS and T&V.
Management Responsibilities -15%
  • Participate in developing rolling budgets, monitoring and managing any assigned budget and ensuring costs remain within agreed limits.
  • Advise the General Manager on short and long term strategies to be adopted for the successful deliver on the Njombe Programme Vision.
  • Mentor and build capacity of all Field staff, setting SMART targets and key performance indicators (KPI’s), conducting staff appraisals and monitoring their motivation.
  • Engage the Government at village and ward levels to ensure their understanding and buy in of the Njombe project vision, mission, goals, objectives, and annual targets.
  • Participate in the strategic planning and management of the project’s agreed annual targets and ensure farmers services adhered on improving farmers’ income and livelihood.
  • Advise the General manager on the day to day field operations activities and report on all fields operations performances as well as advising on the way forward.
Qualifications, Skills and Experience
  • At least a degree in agriculture or related field.
  • At least five years or more in senior management coordination level with specific experience in extension services and technical tea farming experience with smallholder farmers.
  • At least five years’ experience in a senior management coordination role with specific experience in providing extension services and tea farming technical advise to smallholder tea farmers.Excellent analytical, problem solving and organizational skills.
  • Demonstrable ability to lead and manage staff.
  • Strong team player with outstanding communication skills.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision whilst tracking multiple processes and/or deliverables.
  • Ability to effectively prioritize tasks in a fast moving environment.

Extension Officer
Extension Officer at Njombe Out growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) March, 2023
NOSC is seeking to recruit a qualified, detail oriented and self-motivated individual to take up the role of Extension Officer. Based in Njombe and reporting to the Tea Operations Manager, the role shall have the following key responsibilities:

Role Purpose Statement/Key Objective
To provide tea extension services to farmers within the designated tea growing areas. This will include training farmers on good agronomy practices for purposes of increasing tea production and improving quality for better revenues.

Main Responsibilities/Key Accountabilities
  • Recruit out growers/farmers and ensure interested farmers are accurately registered.
  • Conduct sensitization meetings with farmers and utilize the session to provide critical information regarding the program as and when required.
  • Train and provide technical advice on tea agronomy aspects and best practices to farmers in their respective tea growing areas e.g. on planting, aftercare maintenance, fertilizer applications, plucking of quality leaves, disease and pest control.
  • Supervise plucking standards of the assigned farms to ensure yield of tea and quality meet the required levels as laid down by the General Manager.
  • Prepare and submit to the Tea Operations Manager accurate reports on yield and leaf quality against allocated KPI’s.
  • To supervise in collaboration with logistics workers, the weighing and correct recording of Green leaf delivered by farmers.
  • Ensure that the plucked Green leaf are timely delivered to/collected from collection points.
  • Act as the liaison between the farmers and the company and escalate to the operations Manager any arising problems/complaints related to Tea growing.
  • Conducting field visits to collect and compile pre-season information regarding demands for inputs from farmers in his/her mandate area.
  • Assist the Tea Operations Manager with the supervision of distribution of inputs to farmers and their application as per the number of verified bushes.
  • Participate in mother bush selection and preparation of cuttings.
  • Assist farmers with new tea planting and infilling as well as aftercare maintenance so as to achieve targets as may be agreed upon on an annual basis.
  • Assist smallholders farmers comply with Rain Forest Alliance Certification principles and criteria.
  • Prepare and present field reports as may be required.
  • Perform any other duty as may be assigned by the Tea Operations Manager or General Manager from time to time.
Read Also:

Qualifications, Skills and Experience
  • A minimum of a Diploma in Agriculture, Agronomy, Horticulture, or other related agricultural studies.
  • At least two years’ experience in the relevant field e.g. providing Tea extension services.
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to speak Kiswahili. English is an added advantage.
  • Good organization skills with the ability to complete assigned tasks within set deadlines.
  • Results oriented.

Logistics Clerk

Logistics Clerk at Njombe Out growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) March, 2023
NOSC is seeking to recruit a qualified and experienced, detail oriented and self-motivated individual to take up the role of Logistics Clerk. Based in Njombe and reporting to the Logistics Manager, the role shall have the following key responsibilities.

Key responsibilities
  • Linder the supervision of Logistics Manager and in liaison with Finance and Administration office, handle and document tea farmers green supplies, green leaf production, green leaf quality performance data and fleet management data using Excel sheets, Octagon Easy Way Weighing System, Harvest IT ERP and company ERP.
  • Assist the Logistics Manager in organizing a healthy fleet, assist in organizing and supervision of green leaf clerks, drivers, tractor operators and turn boys with good focus on accuracy, efficiency, cost and time management.
  • Assist the Logistics Manager with farmers green leaf supplies, fleet management, crop production and green leaf quality data handling and analysis.
  • In liaison with leaf clerks and the factory leaf reception unit assist on optimizing leaf transport schedule, field leaf quality assessment, weighment, loading and separation, transport and factory delivery.
  • Complete daily documentation of green leaf collection and factory deliveries, weighing scales records, tractor job order sheets, vehicle spares as well as service control sheets.
  • In liaison with leaf clerks prepare daily, weekly and monthly crop production KPIs performance reports.
  • Record and update all fleet data such as services, repairs, spares and damages.
  • Assist with vehicles daily logbook control such as activity allocation, fuel and mileage control.
  • Assist in supervision of leaf clerks, drivers and turn boys while ensuring compliance to health and safety issues and other company policies.
  • As an integral part of the team, ensure that farmers are highly regarded and receive exceptional service throughout the green leaf collection process as well as input supplies.
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by Tea Operations Manager, Finance and Administration offices.

Knowledge and Skills
  • Certificate in Agriculture, Business Management, and Administration or related fields.
  • At least five years’ working experience in handling farm management, smallholder’s tea farmer’s data.
  • Strong computer knowledge and analytical skills (Ms Excel and word).
  • Strong management and administrative skills with the ability to supervise and manage people from different cultural back grounds.
  • Must be resilient and willing to work additional hours and in offsite locations.

Logistics Manager
Logistics Manager at Njombe Out growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) March, 2023
is seeking to recruit a qualified, detail oriented and self-motivated individual to take up the role of Logistics Manager. Based in Njombe and reporting to the General Manager, the role shall have the following key responsibilities:

Role Purpose Statement/Key Objective:
Under the direction of the General Manager and with safety, efficiency and customer service a priority, the Logistics Manager is accountable to facilitate the receiving and storing, moving and transport of Agricultural input supplies, stock and materials, ensuring leaf quality standard, effectively managing the timely flow of green leaf from the field to the factories as well as coordinating the tractor services offered to farmers and for internal benefit of NOSC.

Key Accountabilities
Logistics Management – 70%
Fleet Management
  • In liaison with General Manager and finance office, develop a fleet management and replacement plan.
  • Record and update all fleet data such as services, overhauls repair required, spares and damages.
  • Ensure proper management of the vehicles including monitoring and co-ordination of quality right from the field to the factory.
  • Complete documentation such as green leaf deliveries, weighing scales records lists, Tractor job order sheets, Vehicle spares as well as service control sheets, ordering levels stocks, Drivers discipline and compliance in line with the traffic rules and regulations.
  • Coordinate tractor ploughing, harrowing and transportation services, review of the vehicles and scales and ensure maintenance of schedules both manually and with computer programs in liaison with other service providers key to it as well as the technical staff in the field.
Green Leaf Transportation and Distribution
  • Plan and co-ordinate transportation of green leaf and manage the timely flow of farmers leaf haulage and agricultural inputs as per production trends as well as managing tractor services to farmers and for internal organizational needs
  • While adhering to policies, procedures and regulatory requirements, facilitate the quality receipt of green leaf from the farmers’ fields through the designated collection centers. This would include organizing a healthy fleet, organizing green leaf clerks, drivers, operators as well as mechanics to their best with good focus on accuracy, efficiency and time management.
  • Adhere to tea green leaf sourcing procedures and regulatory-compliance procedures
  • Complete the daily green leaf collection logs in conjunction with the leaf collection clerks.
  • Dispatch inputs fertilizer, chemicals and seedling as per direction of the technical staff without affecting the core business that is green leaf collection.
  • Document and escalate any issue that you feel would have a negative impact on green leaf logistics.
Customer Service and General Management – 30%
Customer Relationship Management
  • Provide and maintain good customer service and solve customer problems as they arise.
  • As an integral part of the team, ensure that farmers are highly regarded and receive exceptional service throughout the green leaf collection process as well as input supplies. This shall also include addressing problems in consultation with the General Manager and technical staff for smooth haulage of quality green leaf.
  • Ensure minimum loss in transit and maximum inputs utility, quality service rendered by tractor operators to farmers through daily route allocation using log books as well as proper fuel and input usage.
General Management Responsibilities
  • Comply with laws, regulations and standards as per the Tea Board of Tanzania act and accompanying regulations. Local, national as well as international where applicable.
  • Develop constructive and cooperative working relationships with those on your team, as well as cross-functionally.
  • Complete safety reports in relation to health and safety issues.
  • Assist with training of new employees.

Qualifications, Skills and Experience

  • A minimum of Bachelor degree in Agriculture, Economics, IT, Logistics, Fleet management or related fields.
  • At least two(2) years of experience in a farm oriented or related enterprise coordinating transport logistics preferably with smallholder farmers in tea industry and management of leaf quality.
  • Excellent organization skills with the ability to concurrently manage multiple tasks within set deadlines.
  • Results oriented.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Computer literate.
  • Ability to speak Kiswahili. 
  • English is an added advantage.
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Job Application procedure

All interested and qualified candidates are invited to send their detailed CV with copies of relevant testimonials (certificates) to:
General Manager,
Njombe Outgrowers Services Company Limited,
Lunyanywi B Street Plot No. 7, Block A P. 0. Box 252, Njombe,

Email Applications:
The deadline for submitting applications is close of business 29th March, 2023.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Thanks for reading 4 New Job Vacancies at Njombe Out Growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) - Various Posts

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