Tuesday, June 13, 2023

2 New Job Opportunities at Afya Plus Organization Tanzania June, 2023 - Various Posts

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Jobs in Tanzania 2023: New Job Vacancies at Afya Plus 2023
Afya Plus
Afya Plus is a local Non-Govcrnmcntal Organization registered in Tanzania under the NGOs Act No.24 of 2002 in August 2016 to contribute towards building of high quality and equitable health systems, delivery of people’s centered health services through evidence-based interventions, and ultimately have a community with better access to quality-integrated health services. We envision a community with equitable access to quality health sendees through working in partnership with the Government of Tanzania, local communities, and other key stakeholders. Afya Plus is a member of the consortium led by Christian Social Sendees Commission (CSSC) and include also Catholic Relief Sendees (CRS) which has been awarded a 5-years Grant by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement the project known as “Comprehensive Child Centered Care and Sendees (C4s)” Activity. The overall goal of the project is to ensure health facilities in priority areas provide high quality integrated pediatric HIV services and that children and adolescents arc able to access comprehensive health and other sendees. Specifically, this project will provide technical assistance to end mother-to-child- transmission of HIV (eMTCT) by supporting pregnant and breastfeeding women (PBFW) and their HIV-exposed infants (IIEI), close the HIV treatment gap for children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV) and drive TB elimination and well-being for C/ALHIV in Tanzania..

The project will ensure the continued delivery of HIV services for PBFW, IIEI, and C/ALHIV at two pediatric centers of excellence (COE) and support these C’OEs to serve as hubs for service delivery and clinical capacity building. Also, advance support to the National AIDS Control Programme (NAC’P) and the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme (NTLP) to end HIV and TB among children and adolescents aged 0-19 years old and inform policy decisions and discussions at the national level with the Ministry of Health, and other key stakeholders and will coordinate implementation..
Afya Plus is soliciting applications from excellent candidates to fill the 2 job vacant below:

Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Officer (1) Post

Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Officer at Afya Plus June, 2023
Direct Supervisor: CLM and Social Services Linkage Manager
Location: Dar es Salaam
Job Summary:
Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Officer will be responsible to provide technical support to regional and council health management teams and other stakeholders on CLM activities aiming at using generated evidence-based information on improving social integration and linkages between facilities and community-based sendees related to C/ALHIV for better treatment outcomes. CLM Officer will lead designing and implementation of CLM activities for improving access and quality of HIV services; participate in the development and dissemination of national guidelines, policies, tools, and packages related to CLM pertaining to social sendees integration and referral mechanism including but not limited to dissemination and tracking effectiveness of devised tools and advise adaptation as appropriate. CLM Officer will also be responsible with regional level collaboration, coordination, monitoring, and documenting efforts between C4s Activity, and other USAID projects including ACHIEVE, Kizazi Ilodari and other relevant stakeholders on using generated CLM information on improving utilization of social sendees including OVC to families and C/ALIIIV for continuum of care. Ile/shc will support and ensure the use of CLM approaches on facilitating effective linkages across projects and partners engaged at facility and community-based services for child and adolescent health and wellbeing, including of OVCs.

Required Qualifications
  • Degree in Social Sciences, Sociology, Medicine or Nursing, postgraduate training in Community Development work or Master’s in public health will be an added advantage.
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Knowledge, Skills & Abilities

  • At least 3 years’ experience working with HIV/AIDS and quality related programs (Pediatric HIV care, ART, IIBC, OVC) with particular focus on the quality improvement, and bi­directional linkages to social services and community-based projects.
  • In depth understanding of Pediatric, adolescents and youths HIV-related policies and programs, quality improvement frameworks and systems issues in the Tanzanian context.
  • Experience working with USG-funded health and/or other development programs.
  • Demonstrated CLM skill set, with previous experience of working with community structures or social accountability systems.
  • Experience with various capacity-building approaches, including mentorship, coaching, presentation, and facilitation skills.
  • Fluent in both written and spoken Kiswahili as well as proficiency in English.

Social Services and Linkage Officer (1) Post

Social Services and Linkage Officer at Afya Plus June, 2023
Direct Supervisor: CLM and Social Services Linkage Manager
Location: Dar es Salaam
Job Summary:
Social Services and Linkage Officer will serve as technical lead on providing technical support for all activities related to social service integration & linkages between facility and community- based services within Comprehensive Child Centered Care and Sendees (C4s) Activity. S/IIe will lead the designing process of tools for implementing an efficient client centered linkage system to enhance bi-directional referral mechanisms for children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV). S/IIe will work with Moll, PORALG and relevant stakeholders to dcvclop/updatc national guidelines, policies, tools, and packages that enhance integration of social services and referral and feedback mechanisms for improving quality and holistic management of sendees for C/ALHIV. S/He will be responsible for monitoring and fostering collaboration between C4s with ACHIEVE, Kizazi Ilodari and other implementing partners across supported regions to facilitate improved access to social sendees for OVCs including families and C/ALHIV.

Required Qualifications
  • Degree in Social Sciences, Medicine or Nursing, postgraduate training in Community Development work or Master’s in public health will be an added advantage.
Recommended: Knowledge, Skills & Abilities
  • At least 3 years’ experience working with HIV/AIDS programs (Pediatric HIV care, ART, IIBC, OVC) with particular focus on the bi-directional linkages to social sendees and community-based projects.
  • In depth understanding of Pediatric, adolescents and youths HIV-related policies, program, and systems issues in the Tanzanian context.
  • Experience working with USG-funded health and/or other development programs.
  • Demonstrated management skills, with previous supendsory experience required.
  • Experience with various capacity-building approaches, including mentorship, coaching, presentation, and facilitation skills.
  • Fluent in both written and spoken Kiswahili as well as proficiency in English.
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Mode of Application
Application letter with detailed CV, indicating daytime contact telephone numbers and email address, as well as names and contact information of three referees should be submitted to the following email address: AfyaPlus.Recruitment@afyaplus.or.tz indicating the job you arc applying for in the Subject line.” Female candidates arc strongly encouraged to apply.

The closing date for receiving applications is June 19th, 2023 at 5:00 pm (East African Time). Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Afya Plus seeks to fill these two positions with right candidates as soon as possible. Successful candidates will be required to report immediately after receiving an employment offer.

Thanks for reading 2 New Job Opportunities at Afya Plus Organization Tanzania June, 2023 - Various Posts

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