Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Invitation for Expression of Interest at Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) August, 2023

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Jobs in Tanzania 2023: New Government Job Opportunities at Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) August, 2023


Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) Agency Jobs, 2023
Invitation for Expression of Interest at Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) August, 2023
TCB/PA/107/2022- 23/SC/1504
Invitation for Expression of Interest
  • This invitation for Expression of Interest (Eol) follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) which appeared in TANePS Issue no. dated 20th July 2022.
  • The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Tanzania Coffee Board during the financial year 2022/2023. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING FERTIZER CREDIT SCHEME FOR COFFEE FARMERS.
  • This decision to develop a fertilizer credit scheme has been made due to the fact that improvement in accessing fertilizer will have a huge impact in terms of coffee quality, productivity and production. Increase in production will have a huge impact in the achievement of sector objectives set in the coffee development strategy 2021-2025. To achieve this effect, TCB is looking to develop a fertilizer scheme that will enable coffee farmers to timely access and apply authentic fertilizers. The scheme is expected to cover all coffee growing areas and will be implemented through AMCOS/UNIONS/SACCOs which are dealing with agriculture to support small holder’s coffee farmers. A detailed ToR will be provided to all qualified and be shortlisted consultants.
  • In this regards Tanzania Coffee Board is commissioning a consultancy service to study and review the existing fertilizer-credit scheme(s), identify gaps and propose a new fertilizer- credit scheme to coffee farmers through utilization of stakeholder contributions collected by the Board for coffee development.
  • Interested consultants must provide information indicating their qualification to perform these services by submitting updated CV’s with description of similar assignments, and relevant skills. Nominated qualified consultants will be shortlisted and notified to submit Financial Proposal in writing.
  • You are requested to submit your written expression of interest, one original detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and technical proposal by Friday, 04th September 2023, at 14:30 pm hours local time. The Detailed CV and technical Proposal shall be enclosed in a one envelope and marked “Detailed CV” and “technical Proposal” respectively. The envelope shall then be marked “Proposal for the CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING FERTIZER CREDIT SCHEME FOR COFFEE FARMERS and submitted to the following address:
The Secretary Tender Board,
Tanzania Coffee Board
Kahawa House, 2nd Floor, Room No. 213
Moshi, Kilimanjaro.
Read Also:
  • The opening of CVs and technical proposal shall take place immediately after the deadline for submission, at the Kahawa House, Board Room 2nd Floor, Tanzania Coffee Board, Moshi Kilimanjaro. Applying individual consultants are invited to attend the opening ceremony.
  • A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Procurement Act No. 7 of 2011 as amended in 2016 and the Public Procurement Regulations, 2013 – Government Notice No. 446 as amended in 2016 (hereinafter called Procurement Regulations).
  • CV’s and Technical proposal shall be evaluated on the basis of the criteria shown in the Terms of Reference. Only individual Consultants score of 100% shall be qualified for shortlisted (depending on their availability) for financial year 2022/2023.
  • Prospective (Nominated) Individual Consultants are required to collect the Terms of Reference from the Secretary, Tender Board whose address is indicated on paragraph 5 above during working days (Monday to Friday) between 9:30 a.m to 15:30p.m. via invitation through TANePS.
  • Any request for clarification with regard to this assignment shall be addressed to the undersigned not less than seven days before deadline for submission. The Client shall respond to clarifications received within three working days from the date of receipt of query.
  • Late Expressions of Interest shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.

Yours sincerely,
Director General
P.O. BOX732


Thanks for reading Invitation for Expression of Interest at Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) August, 2023

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