Thursday, February 8, 2024

New Tender at Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI)

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Thursday, February 8, 2024
Habitat for Humanity International
Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Vacancies at Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) 2024


Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) Jobs 2024
Terms Of Reference (Tor) at Habitat for Humanity February 2024
Habitat for Humanity
Terms Of Reference (Tor)
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI)
Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is an international non-profit organization founded in 1976 with a vision to see everyone have a decent place to live. The organization’s efforts are dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Since its inception 22 million people in more than 70 countries have been helped to meet their affordable housing needs and obtain a safer place to live in, along with the strength, stability, and independence to build better lives. HFHI works through a broad network of national organizations such as Habitat for Humanity Tanzania and other strategic partners, such as Government, corporations, financial service providers, individuals, non-governmental organizations, and foundations.

Habitat for Humanity Tanzania (HFHT)
Habitat for Humanity Tanzania (HFHT) founded in 1986 and become one among the National Organization of HFHI. Habitat for Humanity Tanzania is branded positively through being associated with improving the standard of living for low-income families through enhancing access to decent and affordable homes. HFHT worked with communities and local government authorities, local implementing partners, as well as other international development partners to support the design and development of various housing projects that yield fruits in fostering the housing agenda.

In Tanzania, the housing sector is marred by several pressing issues, each with far-reaching consequences for the country’s residents. There are many challenges existing in Tanzania that need joint efforts to address them. HFHT has supported various research/study to ensure there are evidence-based need outlines for the government and other stakeholders to collectively respond/ address to the challenges.

According to Housing Eco-System study report (May 2022) the following challenges were highlighted: Housing deficit: The report highlights that the magnitude of housing deficit is still substantial. Housing and overall wellbeing of low-income households: Access to decent and affordable housing for most low-income households is still a critical challenge, particularly in urban areas. Housing affordability: Despite the notable efforts to enhance housing affordability in Tanzania, there are still challenges. It is widely observed that public housing providing institutions have so far failed to provide affordable housing as their responsibility, mainly because of high production costs.

Lack of basic services (WASH and Energy): Access to basic services like WASH (water, sanitation & hygiene) is a challenge for both rural and urban community settings. The review clearly revealed the presence of a sizable proportion without basic access to safe water, inadequate sanitation coverage among towns and cities. Saving culture and access to housing: Tanzania has a low saving rate, where about 48% of adults do not save, and for those that save, only a small proportion (11%) save in a formal financial institution. For low-income households, the majority are served by less formal financial institutions such as Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs), Savings and Credit Associations (SACAs), Rotating Credit and Savings Associations (ROSCAs) and other microfinance institutions (MFIs). Although less formal financial institutions are important for mobilizing grassroots-level saving and borrowing that can be used for housing finance by low and middle-income households in Tanzania, their potential is yet to be fully used.

According to (MLHHSD, 2018), urbanization in Tanzania is another challenge. The national housing deficit is currently estimated to be 3,000,000 million units, increasing by 200,000 annually About 40% of this deficit is estimated to be in urban areas, as urban population is 35% of the total population which current is 67 million.

Housing microfinance: As per Housing Microfinance Study report (2023),
Tanzanian Low-Middle Income Households are suffering from a shortage of loan to either build or improve their homes. In addition, the housing microfinance space in Tanzania is relatively underdeveloped as stated in the Housing Eco- System in Tanzania report (2022). The report further states that available statistics indicate there is a high demand for housing microfinance products (about TZS 700 billion) compared to supply, however this excludes most low- income households. The shortage of loan comes due to the status the Low- Middle Income families have, they can neither access nor afford housing finance to improve their homes.

Land tenure security: In parallel, the housing sector in Tanzania faces a persistent challenge in the form of land tenure insecurity. This issue affects both urban and rural areas, casting uncertainty over the property rights of individuals and communities. In urban settings, land tenure insecurity fosters problems such as land grabbing and forced evictions, further exacerbating the issue of informal settlements and slums. It’s a cycle that perpetuates substandard housing conditions and socio-economic challenges, especially for those without secure land rights.

In summary, the housing sector in Tanzania grapples with three critical and interrelated issues: the scarcity of affordable housing for low-income households, the pervasive lack of access to adequate WASH facilities, and the persisting challenge of land tenure insecurity. These issues not only compound the struggles faced by Tanzanians in finding safe and secure housing but also impact their health, productivity, and overall quality of life. Addressing these complex challenges requires holistic and sustainable solutions to create a more inclusive and equitable housing ecosystem in the country.

To create an enabling and healthy environment for women traders by the
provision of basic services through improved WASH at the marketplace
To facilitate provision of low-cost houses to vulnerable groups in the community

This call, therefore, is to interest and attract potential partners to select any one of the two strategic objectives for implementation. The project implementation outputs and activities for each strategic objective with corresponding performance indicators is outlined here under.

Strategic Objective 1. To Create an enabling and healthy environment for women traders by provision of basic services through improved WASH at the marketplace.

Output 1.1 Enhanced and/or enabled women Traders Marketplace’s environment that will Increase profitability out of their business to cater for improved housing conditions.

  • Strengthening WASH Facilities at the marketplace through construction of 2 pay-per-use public toilet facilities and water systems in two selected locations.
  • Conduct training to 20 existing women traders saving and loaning groups (VIC0BA) focusing on raising awareness about land ownership and financial literacy skills.
  • Engagement of Government officials particularly in the maintenance of the constructed WASH facilities at marketplaces
  • Conducting capacity building sessions to 20 women traders’ saving and loaning groups (VICOBA) on proper management, maintenance of the built toilets through charging maintenance fee that will create livelihood for sustainable housing improvement.
  • Conducting capacity building sessions to 20 women traders on user-fee charging in collaboration with the government
  • Conduct awareness sessions to 30 VICOBA Groups on how generated funds through user fee will be utilized to improve housing conditions for group members, contributing to overall improved livelihoods.

Objective l’s Performance Indicators

# of Constructed pay-per-use public toilets
# of Women traders/SLGs collecting the user-fee charges with support from government # of Members from 20 VICOBA/SLGs trained on financial literacy and skills on saving and lending from their groups. # of Women Savings and loaning groups (VICOBA) lending and utilizing properly the capital from funds collected from built WASH facilities.
# of Government officials engaged/participated in WASH facilities planning, construction and management activities.
Developed and/or adopted Government by laws and enforcement activities conducted to support VICOBA/SLGs on collection of user-fee charges and management/maintenance of constructed WASH facilities.

Strategic Objective 2: To facilitate the provision of low-cost houses to vulnerable groups in the community.

Output 2.1 Overall Positive Impact on the Housing Sector Activities Construction of 11 Low-Cost Houses for Vulnerable Groups
Engagement of building experts and volunteers to ensure the quality of the housing units, and for providing safe and dignified living spaces for those in need.
Mobilize communities on affordable housing solutions, promote housing microfinance products, and launch the Home Equals campaign.

2.1.4. Conduct capacity building training to beneficiaries on land rights and affordable & descent houses.
Performance Indicators
Number of Houses constructed for vulnerable groups houses.
Number of conducted campaigns on promotion of affordable housing solutions and promotion of housing microfinance products. Government officials and/or building experts’ participation in initiation and facilitation of activities to promote housing solutions.
Deliverables and Milestones anticipated. Detailed proposal demonstrating how the project will be executed including a workplan. Detailed Budget
Quarterly narrative and financial reports in a format to be provided (every after 3 months from the commencement of project implementation) Final report

The HFHT implements its programs in Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Dodoma regions. Partner interested to work with HFHT must come from either of these three regions and specifically be able to present the project implementation plan in the area it works. SCOPE OF WORK

HFHT will provide overall project management to ensure that the project is implemented successfully through selected partner NGO(s). The partners will be a main implementing organization, ensuring that implementation of the activities is of high standard, including the provision of training, ongoing monitoring, mentoring, and reporting, and linkages with other technical experts.

Each of the two specific objectives constitute a work component/package, this means the presentation on the strategy to deliver the project should independently be presented if a partner is willing and able to implement both projects.

Successful partner (s) must deliver an affordable and quality-built project plan that benefits low-income customers.

Special attention will be paid to WASH innovative ideas that extremely benefit women traders at marketplace.

The partner is expected to demonstrate its resources contribution (monetary/materially/human) towards the success of the project.

WASH budgeted fund $ 56,000 Housing budgeted fund $ 107,000
Operation and administration cost should not be more than 7 % of $56,000 for WASH and 7% of $ 107,000 for the build project.
Contribution from the partner’s side should clearly be presented and where possible quantified as a percentage.

The NGOs that are eligible to apply and become a Partner of HFHT must:
  • Have at least 3 years of experience in implementing projects in the thematic area selected (Build WASH integrating livelihoods support), preferably in Tanzania.

  • Experience working in projects and/or programs related to Low-cost house construction and property rights advocacy, livelihoods support, climate change mitigation and community development is an added advantage.
  • A good understanding of the housing challenges in Tanzania Context and Africa
  • Ability to achieve maximum scope of reach with limited resources and time without jeopardizing the quality of the project.
  • Previous partnership with Habitat for Humanity Tanzania will be an added advantage.

  • The NGO must be legally registered and physically established in Tanzania by the time of project implementation.
  • The NGO should produce well-presented audited accounts for at least two (2) years.
  • Be able to show commitment (and sources) to provide required match funding/resource contribution.
  • Be compliant with Tanzania laws and regulations, including, tax compliance. It should also comply with international human rights, labour standards and environmental management laws.
  • Not be involved in any act of terrorism or support terrorists’ activities. Not be involved in any act of corruption. Allow financial tracking and monitoring visits. HOW TO APPLY

Submitted proposals must include:
  • A response to the ToR demonstrating familiarity with the subject matter, proposed approach, and key issues for consideration in the project implementation.
  • A detailed work plan, demonstrating the feasibility of the proposal. Statement of qualifications of the NGO(s) as relevant to the chosen thematic areas.
  • Name and CV of key staff members responsible for i) overseeing the project and ii) undertaking the implementation of the project.
  • Proposed budget with itemized costs, indicating the basis of calculation. Registration Certificate
  • Letter from local government to indicate that the NGO is known to authorities.
  • CVs of key staff
  • Audited financial statements.

Note: If the legal requirement including registration certificate and letter from the government are already with HFHT (for previous partner worked with HFHT), you don’t need to resubmit.

Proposal Evaluation
Proposals will be assessed according to:
  • Demonstrated competence of the NGO and project implementation approach proposed.
  • Demonstrated track record of the NGO in delivering projects successfully. Cost of the proposal (HFHT has very limited resources and seek for partnership should not considered as donor)

If there is need for clarification, please send through your questions before the deadline and you will get a response to your questions, or
If you are interested to proceed with no questions, you are requested to submit the key contact people CVs, written proposal (technical and financial) and portfolio of work done to not later than 20th February 2024 with the subject line**: PROPOSAL FOR PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ON IMPROVED SANITATION AND HOUSING CONDITIONS INITIATIVE IN TANZANIA**.
Due to the urgency in the implementation of this project, proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
HFH-Tanzania will respond on the outcome of the reviews.

Thanks for reading New Tender at Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI)

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