Monday, March 18, 2024

New Tender Opportunities at Tembo Nickel Corporation Limited

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Monday, March 18, 2024
Tembo Nickel Corporation
Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Opportunities at Tembo Nickel Corporation 2024


Tembo Nickel Corporation (“Tembo”) Jobs 2024
NRequests the submission of Expressions of Interest at Tembo Nickel March, 2024
Requests the submission of Expressions of Interest from qualifying
parties wanting to participate in the below work package

Tembo Nickel Corporation Limited (“Tembo Nickel”) is an operating company formed via the Framework Agreement (19 January 2021) between Kabanga Nickel Limited (“Kabanga NickeOand the Government of Tanzania (“GoT”) for development of the Kabanga nickel deposits in Ngara District, Kagera Region, Tanzania (“Kabanga Nickel Project”). Under the Framework Agreement terms, Tembo (owned 84% by Kabanga Nickel and 16% by GoT) has been formally established for the mining, processing, and refining of battery-grade nickel with cobalt and copper co-products.

Kabanga is among the world’s largest high-grade underdeveloped nickel sulphide deposits, with exploration upside on existing licenses. Once in operation, the Kabanga Nickel project will produce battery-grade nickel, cobalt, and copper refined metals in Tanzania. The mine-to-metal operation will use Hydromet Technology that is significantly more cost efficient than smelting. The Hydromet Technology will reduce the carbon footprint, minimise environmental impact, lower capital, and production costs, and contribute significantly to the economic growth of Tanzania.

Tembo Nickel Corporation is currently focused on timely delivery of the Project’s Definitive Feasibility Study, therefore, invites “Expressions of Interest” from reputable, experienced, and certified companies interested in pre-qualifying for inclusion in a tender process for the provision of the following Services.
No. Reference


Description of work/goods to be procured Pre-Oualification Criteria


Underground Contract Mining;

a. Supply and install Contractor facilities and services.

b. Supply and install workshops, offices, accommodation, stores and supporting services for the contractor conduct their services.

c. Carry out mechanized underground mining including, but not limited to:

i.           Development with Jumbo drills

ii.           Ground support installation (shotcrete, steel mesh, rock bolts and cable bolts)

iii.           Production drilling

iv.           Load and Hauling

v.           Remote bogging

vi.          CAF/Pastefill servicing, maintenance and management

vii.            Maintenance of full fleet

viii.            Technical Services to support contractor(Engineering etc)

ix.          Escapeway installation and maintenance

x.           Dewatering

xi.          Procure and install UG services (air/water piping, pumps, refuge chambers etc).

d.  Maintain waste rock dumps.

e.  Deliver ore to the ROM pad

f.  Support Tembo Nickel in achieving their Mining Physicals


i.       Company profile and up to date organogram

ii.      Company code of business conduct

iii.    Current or previous East African experience, preferably Tanzania.

iv.    Must be compliant with the Local Content Legislation and have an approved Local Content Plan; or provide proof of submission

v.      Supplier’s audited financial statements for the past three consecutive years

vi.    Copy of company memorandum and article of association


vii.   List and attach all Underground (and surface ancillary)equipment including: development drills, production drills, trucks, development and production boggers, remote boggers, tele-remote equipment, graders, concrete agitator trucks, integrated tool carriers, spray machines and explosive charging machines.

viii.  Demonstrate experience in completing mechanized mining: Jumbo development, longhole stoping, pastefill, load and haul, ground support installation and remote production bogging in the last 5 years. Provide detail of all contracts completed in the last 5 years including value, duration, mining physicals planned/achieved, mining method, equipment and personnel numbers, references and associated contact details.

ix.     Provide details of current contracts in execution.

The above Services are intended to be awarded through a competitive tendering process in which the pre-qualified contractors shall be invited to receive the tender documents. If your company would like to be considered for pre-qualification to receive the invitation to tender, please submit an “Expression of Interest” on your company’s letterhead together with the following additional information and/or documentation:
  • Company registration documents i.e., Certificate of Incorporation, Business License, TIN, VRN, Tax Clearance Certificate, etc.
  • The most recent BRELA search, and the latest BRELA application of annual return.
  • Applicable certification, accreditation, and affiliated registration
  • Years of service and experience of key personnel to be assigned to project (attach CV’s)
  • Required equipment availability to perform the specific work

EOl’s from Companies that can provide ALL services detailed in the Scope of Work above will be considered.

Interested Companies must submit their Expression of Interest letter and all the required information via email to by 2359 HOURS (GMT +3) on 21st of March 2024. Any responses received after this date shall not be considered. Please quote the reference number TEMBO-2024-02-26 in the subject line of your email.

Pre-qualification of any company submitting an “Expression of Interest” shall be at the sole discretion of Tembo Nickel Corporation. Pre-qualified companies shall be contacted within 45 days from the EOI submission deadline. Candidates not contacted should consider their EOI unsuccessful.

Thanks for reading New Tender Opportunities at Tembo Nickel Corporation Limited

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